I hope this finds your semester off to a great beginning! The
new VMATYC Executive Board met at Central Virginia Community College in
Lynchburg, Virginia on Saturday, September 12, 2009.
We discussed many issues including plans for the four Fall Regional
VMATYC Conferences and Annual Spring Conference, funding for these
conferences, the new VCCS Peer Group Manual 1.0, and potential
locations for future conferences.
The Board received reports from our standing Committees and Special
Interest Groups. In addition Randy Pittman sent an update
concerning the work being done to revise descriptions of the MTH
offerings in the VCCS Master File.
Several of the Board members will be attending the Annual AMATYC
Conference November 11 -15, 2009 in Los Vegas, Nevada.
Please begin making plans to attend your regional fall conference as
well as the spring conference.
Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.
Ann Loving