Purpose and Guidelines for Use of VMATYC Listserv

Jon Wilkin, Listserv Administrator



The VMATYC Listserv is for use by members of VMATYC and selected guests from AMATYC such as the President, the Mid-Atlantic VP, etc.  Others may be included at the direction of the VMATYC President.  All subscriptions and unsubscriptions to the Listserv will be by the Listserv Administrator.  Each person who subscribes will receive information about how to unsubscribe.

The Listserv is a quick and easy way for members to communicate with all others on the Listserv by sending an email to the Listserv.  Keep in mind that all messages posted on the Listserv will go to all members of the Listserv (about 200 persons).  It may be used for information of importance to VMATYC members.

Any questions concerning the VMATYC Listserv should be directed to Jon Wilkin at Northern Virginia Community College, jwilkin@nvcc.edu 




VMATYC Mission Statement: “The Virginia Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges works to enhance the mathematical and computer science education of our students by providing opportunities for professional development, a network for communication, and a conduit for influencing educational policy.”


In keeping with the VMATYC Mission Statement and the professionalism of mathematics educators, the following guidelines for the use of the VMATYC listserv were approved at the VMATYC Executive Board meeting on April 20, 2001.


The listserv is to be used for Math, Computer Science, and Education Issues such as:

1.      Course content

2.      Textbooks

3.      Teaching strategies

4.      Good ideas for classroom

5.      Full-time math/computer science positions in VCCS - announcements only, not recruitment.


Keep in mind the following when using the listserv:

1.      Messages should be short - the listserv will not accept message longer than 4000 characters.

2.      Do not use attachments - the listserv does not handle attachments very well.

3.      No political announcements - whether inside or outside of the VMATYC.

4.      No commercial announcements.


Brief Instructions for Use of VMATYC Listserv


The address for the VMATYC listserv is vmatycls@listserv.vccs.edu  The guidelines for use of the listserv may be found at http://virginia.matyc.org/listservguidelines.htm

Some messages posted to the Listserv may get “Bounced” back. As the Listserv owner, I receive a message indicating the nature of the difficulty, such as “BOUNCE vmatycls@listserv.vccs.edu:  Non-member submission from….” Also, I receive a “Bounce” whenever an listserv email is too long (> 4,000 characters).

FREE! To subscribe to or unsubscribe from the VMATYC Listserv, send an email to that effect to Jon Wilkin at jwilkin@nvcc.edu .

NOTE:  When I receive a “Bounce,” I reply to the sender and make suggestions appropriate for the particular situation. Please do not use attachments short. Rather, create a web page for the material and place a link to that web page in your listserv message. Alternatively, you may send the document to me to be posted on the website and place a notice on the listserv.

Jon Wilkin