Early February, 2006



Even though it seems a lot has happened in the past six weeks, I am still reminded it is a new year and extend my Happy New Year Best Wishes to each of you.  I certainly hope you had an enjoyable break between semesters and able to spend the time doing whatever it is you enjoy the most.  I spent time with my family and my grandchildren—and that is ALWAYS special time for me.  But I must say I was ready and anxious to start a new year and a new semester and I am excited about some of the innovative things that are happening in the classroom throughout the state.

            Hopefully one of the things that is active on the minds of each VMATYC member is the upcoming conference at Germanna Community College, March 31-April 1.  I am hearing lots of great plans for the conference time and items on the program.  I hope each member has those dates marked on their calendar and has his/her registration in the mail to Sarah Martin.  Don’t forget the hotel reservation as well!!!  Much more about the conference throughout this newsletter.

            Perhaps you have recently noticed--- “keeper of the listserv” has changed.  Welcome and thanks, Jon Wilkin.  Claude Moore, our listserv originator, retired from DCC this summer and moved to North Carolina.  Claude very graciously volunteered to continue his electronic work with VMATYC for awhile but did ask that someone begin to think about taking on the tasks of listserv, webmaster, and newsletter editor.  Jon Wilkin, NVCC, offered and has been busy working on these items since this fall.  Many thanks to Jon for being the ready volunteer.  Hopefully you noticed that even this newsletter is in new format for easier reading and printing if you wish.  Jon has also updated and changed the look of the VMATYC website,  www.virginia.matyc.org.  Take a look if you haven’t already!!

            VMATYC certainly extends its best wishes to Claude.  He didn’t really retire—just changed positions and is listed on the Virginia rolls as retired!!!  He is now a faculty member at Coastal Carolina Community College.  Claude assures us he has not forgotten us in Virginia and we certainly hope not.  Claude has worn many hats for VMATYC through the years, and we as an organization, and myself as an individual member, thank him for all his dedication to the teaching profession. 

                Several VMATYC members made the long plane trip to San Diego in November for the AMATYC conference.  Please look for more in the newsletter concerning this event.  I certainly hope each of you will either renew— or join—AMATYC this year and seriously consider attending the conference this fall in Cincinnati.  There are several items currently on the agenda with AMATYC that could support and/or impact us in our classroom—dual enrollment, Beyond Crossroads, MACC3—just to name a few.  Look for items concerning AMATYC items elsewhere in the newsletter and visit the AMATYC website at www.amatyc.org

            May we each “GO THE DISTANCE WITH MATHEMATICS” as we attend the conference in March and have another successful year in the classroom. 


                                                                        Linda Taylor,

                                                                        VMATYC President


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